Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Draft

First Rough Draft
Jess Bagby

            Since the beginning of man, the Spanish cavemen thought themselves superior to all other cavemen, and so the problem begins. Just joking everyone, but in all honesty two completely different cultures having problems with the Spanish coming in and trying to takeover with the thought that because they are Christians its okay leads to one conclusion. The Spanish conquistadors were douchebags.
            The Japanese Edicts recounts that, “We were taught that, unless a person committing a sin confesses it to the padre and secures his pardon, he shall not be saved in the world beyond. In that way the people were led into believing in the padres. All that was for the purpose of taking the lands of others.” (Worlds of History Volume 2, page 643). So the Spanish are hiding behind the church in order to take over lands and other commodities. To question the Spanish Conquistadors actions to heathen cultures would be to question the Catholic Church, and lay blame with both.
            According to a recounting of events in the Indies the Spanish took their actions to another level, “And still more strongly I affirm that until the multitude of people on this island of Hispaniola were killed and their lands devastated, they committed no sin against the Christians that would be punishable by God’s law, such as vengeful feelings against such powerful enemies as the Christians have been, those sins would have been committed by the very few Indians who are hardhearted and impetuous.” (World of History Volume 2, page 616) The natives of the island were not a warrior type tribe, so the Spanish with their far more modern weapons and combat skills easily suppressed and ultimately wiped out any natives who objected to their treatment. And it has to be said, “Bad Spanish conquistadors! BAD!”

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